Registration Form

Registration Deadline: September 4st

The current information is needed for processing the registration for Software Engineering (Projekt) (INF-32-82-M-7) as well as for the preparation of documents to enable the technical access for the accepted students to the Fraunhofer IESE infrastructure during the project time as well NDAs with our industry partners.

The project offers limited positions for master students of the Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau. This year the project will be performed hybrid. Additional information will be provided at a later time. The personal data of the students who have successfully completed the project will be passed on to the Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau for preparation of the certificate of attendance and assignment of credit points (ECTS).

    Please provide us some personal information for the registration procedure


    Why do you want to participate in the Project offered by Fraunhofer IESE? Tell us about your motivations and drivers!


    Please share your professional experience for the registration procedure

    This is the first practical software engineering project, in which I am actively involved.I was already involved in one or more practical software engineering project.

    Could you please provide some information about practical project(s) in your studies (e.g., how many projects, what was the goal of the project(s), what was your responsibility)


    I have never worked in the software engineering industryI was already involved in one or more industrial software engineering projects.

    Could you please provide some information about your professional experience (e.g., how many projects, what was the goal of the project(s), what was your responsibility)


    Which technologies have you already used in practical projects? How good can you use this technologies (expertise levels: 1 - Novice (basic knowledge), 2 - Intermediate (practical application), 3 - Expert (recognized authority))?


    Please rank the following roles according to your skills.

    Please rank the following roles according to your preferences.

    In the Team-based Software Engineering Project every student will be assigned to two roles: every student should be involved in coding activities; apart from that a second role will be assigned to you.

    Please give an explanation why you have selected these roles and how they match your skills:


    How can your experience and skills contribute to the Project Software Engineering offered by Fraunhofer IESE? Tell us how you can contribute to the roles of your choice!


    Additional information
    If there is anything you want us to know please fill out bellow. You might sent us links to projects you have done before, show us some of your work or important informations about how you are planning to do the project.


    Availability during the project time
    Please, note that it is essential for the good progress of the project to be available and present during the whole project time (currently planned from September,16th until December, 20th). Vacation and long absence times are not possible.

    I confirm that I will be available during the whole project time and that I have not planned long absence times for the period between September, 15th and December, 20th.

    Terms and conditions for data protection

    Please not that you have also to register via Olat for this course.